Annual Report 2023-2024-DIGITAL - Flipbook - Page 23
Financial Sustainability:
To address recommendations found in the 2021 Financial
Sustainability Study Group (FSSG) report, the Executive
Committee formalized the appointment of a Financial
Sustainability Taskforce comprised of the Chairs and Vice
Chairs of the Boards of Trustees and Christian Stewardship,
the President and Vice President of the Plymouth Foundation,
the Moderator, Moderator-Elect, Senior Pastor, and Director of
Finance. The taskforce met quarterly to monitor financial trends,
anticipate future financial needs, and make recommendations
to the Executive Committee. The Advisory Committee of past
moderators, as defined in the bylaws, met in 2024 to provide
input to the taskforce. This taskforce will continue into the
2024-2025 program year.
Council Changes:
2023-2024 saw changes in some boards and committees due to the
amended bylaws. Those and other changes are listed as follows:
• The Board of Christian Social Action (BCSA): To address
LGBTQIA+ education, advocacy, and outreach, The Rainbow
Action Network was created as a committee under the BCSA.
The Anti-Human Trafficking Committee was dissolved. Both
of these actions were approved and ratified by the Executive
Committee and Church Council.
Executive Committee Members:
Pam Duffy
Darrel Mullins
Darrel Mullins
Rachel Boon
Greg Kenyon
Past Moderator
Pam Duffy
Past Moderator
Emily Pontius
Sid Ramsey
Judy Stark
Board of Deacons
Christine Woods
Board of Deacons
Lisa Merkle
Board of Membership
Elaine Van Dyke
Board of Membership
Rachel Boon
Board of Trustees
Wade Dewald
Board of Trustees
Jared Wortman
Senior Pastor
Jared Wortman
Senior Pastor
• The Board of Children, Teens, and Families (BCTF): Formerly
the Board of Christian Education of Youth and Families, the
BCTF changed the size of their board from 15 to 12. The
board description in the bylaws was also amended.
• The Board of Benevolences (BoB): BoB changed its board
size from 12 to 9.
• The Board of Music & Arts: Formerly the Board of Music
and Fine Arts changed its name to reflect the breadth and
depth of its work and for branding purposes.
Open Meetings:
The Executive Committee will continue its meeting schedule
of the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. The Church
Council will continue its meeting schedule of six times per
year on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. during June,
September, October, January, March, and April. Members are
welcome to attend these meetings.