Annual Report 2023-2024-DIGITAL - Flipbook - Page 18
March 2024:
3/3 | CONCERT Matins Variety Show
3/10 | CONCERT University of South Dakota Chamber Choir
3/22, 3/23 | THEATER “Isenheim Speaks: A Lenten Drama”
3/24 | Palm Sunday — K-12 Choirs and Instrumental
Ensemble participated in 9AM worship
3/28 | Maundy Thursday Communion and Tenebrae Service
with the Chancel Choir
3/29 | Good Friday Tenebrae Service with the Matins Choir
and Youth Handbell Choir
3/30 | Easter Vigil led by the Confirmation Class with
remembrance of baptism and communion
3/31 | Easter Sunday with Matins Choir, Chancel Choir, the
Plymouth Brass, and handbells ringers
April 2024:
November 2023:
• 11/5 | Chancel Choir and orchestra presented the Duruflé
“REQUIEM” in a special, combined 10 a.m. worship service
• 11/17 | THEATER “King David Holds Court”
• 11/19 | All Choirs and the Plymouth Brass presented festive
Thanksgiving Sunday worship
• 11/21 | BMA and the newly formed Christmas Committee
decorated Plymouth for Christmas
December 2023:
• 12/1-12/2 | CONCERT Chancel Choir and orchestra
presented two concerts of Handel’s MESSIAH as part of our
“Sounds of the Season” series.
• 12/10 | CONCERT Handbells for the Holiday Concerts
(Handchimes, Youth Bells, Plymouth Bells, and the Des
Moines Concert Handbells)
• 12/10 | Plymouth Soup Supper and Carol Sing
• 12/11 | Chris and Sohee presented a Holiday program for the
Frisbee Club
• 12/13 | The Children’s Choirs Advent Celebration
• 12/16 | CONCERT Des Moines Concert Handbells
• 12/16-17 | Plymouth Church Lessons and Carols Services
featuring all ensembles across three weekend worship services.
• 12/17 | CONCERT Des Moines Early Music Ensemble
• 12/21 | Chancel Choir Christmas Caroling at Trinity Center,
Luther Park
• 12/24 | Christmas Eve Worship (11AM, 5, 7, 9, and 11PM)
January 2024:
• 1/3 | PK-12 programming launched for the Semester
February 2024:
• 2/14 | Ash Wednesday Services, sung by the Matins Choir
and Soul Singers
• 2/14 | Creative Arts team installed the Stations of the Cross
in the Sanctuary for Lent
• 4/2 | CONCERT Drake University Choir and Waukee
Northwest HS
• 4/5, 4/6 | FESTIVAL and CONCERT Heartland Youth
Choir presents “Meet the Composer Festival”
• 4/9 | Youth Handbell Choir Runout Concert with the
Deerfield Handchime Choir
• 4/10 | Children’s Choir Graduation
• 4/13 | CONCERT Des Moines Metro Opera Recital
• 4/14 | Singing Church Sunday
• 4/14 | CONCERT Des Moines Vocal Arts Ensemble
• 4/18 | CONCERT University of Iowa and Urbandale HS
• 4/28 | Chancel Choir and orchestra present special music in
worship, including Vaughan Williams’ Five Mystical Songs
Year in Review
The Plymouth Gallery hosted the following exhibits:
January 7 – Mar. 4, Aimee Ellis: Photography
March 4 – May 6, Plymouth members: Celebrating Trees
May 6 – July 8, JJ Gaffers: Works in Glass
July 8 – Sept. 9: Clerical Stoles
Sept. 9 – Nov. 11: Pat Millin, Paintings: Finding Refuge
Nov. 11 – Feb. 3: Gene Hollingsworth, Paintings
A 140% reproduction of Grunewold’s Isenheim Alterpiece was
installed in Commons Grounds during the season of Lent.
Mission to the Community
Here at Plymouth it is part of our mission to support the
tremendous music and arts in our community, and it is our joy to
open our church for concerts and events given by these groups
Sometimes groups rent our space and we serve as hosts for the
concert; sometimes, we co-present the concert and thus cosponsor the costs; and sometimes we present the concert 100%
underwritten by Plymouth Music & Arts.
Plymouth serves as a rehearsal home for the Des Moines Gay
Men’s Chorus, Des Moines Vocal Arts Ensemble, Des Moines
Early Music Ensemble, and the Des Moines Concert Handbells.
Each of these ensembles receive support from Plymouth Church
through in-kind reductions ranging as high as 90% reductions.