Currents Summer 2024 (1) - Flipbook - Page 3
Not long before, Haiti had fought off its French colonial masters to become the
first slave nation on earth to emerge as an independent country, an event for
which they were to be punished in perpetuity, France demanding predatory
reparations by force of gunship. The country has been "in crisis" ever since,
battered by storms generated by European and US political imperatives, and
the freeflowing Iron Pipeline of the American gun.
It's the kind of crisis which - hypothetically at least - keeps focus away from
the more silent, ongoing devastations of the climate and environment, but
really it should lead us to question how we can possibly conceive a political
crisis to be distinct from a social crisis, to be different from a security crisis, to
an environmental crisis.
Politics is human rights, it is global literacy, it is
survival; is right to health; is racial justice; is the
environment and everything which that means.
Here at Currents we go beneath the surface.
That doesn't just mean doing more detailed
stories on the environment, it also means
rethinking its framework.
Jon Bonfiglio
Perhaps this is the fundamental incoherence in us humans, how we insist on
sectioning-off topics and not look at the interlinking, multidirectional systems
that we need to conceive, root and branch, if we are to develop the genuinely
coherent societies that we not only need, but that are increasingly crucial to
our survival, to say nothing of our wellbeing.