January 2025 - Journal Final - Flipbook - Page 7
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing.
The next best thing is the wrong thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.”
Theodore Roosevelt
Evaluating Options
The 昀椀rst step toward meaningful change was
identifying practical pathways for improvement. Among
the possibilities were:
Filtering the existing unit (a challenging
option due to the farm’s age and design).
Selling the sow farm and investing in a
different facility.
Shutting down the sow farm and converting
it into a wean-to-昀椀nish operation.
Using 昀椀nancial modeling, each option was evaluated
for its potential impact on pro昀椀tability. Ultimately,
the producer made the dif昀椀cult decision to close the
sow unit, repurpose it as a 2,500-head wean-to-昀椀nish
barn, and sign a contract with a modern sow farm that
was negative to major diseases (pathogenic bacteria,
In昀氀uenza, PEDV, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and
PRRS). The contracted sow farm operates in a low
swine-density area, is 昀椀ltered, and provides groups of
1,300 pigs per truck.
The Bene昀椀ts of Change
While the decision to pivot was not easy, the results
speak for themselves. Since implementing the changes,
the producer has experienced:
• Lower Wean-to-Finish Mortality.
Mortality rates dropped below 5%.
• Faster Barn Turnover.
A 1,200-head barn can now 昀椀ll in a single day, and
昀椀rst market cuts are achieved at just 130 days on
• Reduced Animal Health Costs.
• Increased Pro昀椀ts.
More top-grade hogs at marketing and fewer lost
• Lower Feed Costs.
Improved DOF, ADG, and FC metrics.
The Takeaway
This producer’s willingness to embrace change not
only turned their operation around but set them on a
path to sustained success. Change doesn’t happen by
chance—it’s a deliberate effort. Whether it’s upgrading
facilities, adopting new practices, or reevaluating
partnerships, small steps toward progress can make a
big difference. What changes can you make today to
improve the health, ef昀椀ciency, and pro昀椀tability of your
WINTER 2025 | 7