January 2025 - Journal Final - Flipbook - Page 18
Fighting Hunger and Supporting Kids
Pipestone is committed to giving our time, talent, and treasure back
to the communities where we work and live. Our charitable focuses
are supporting kids and 昀椀ghting food insecurity.
Through initiatives like MEAT the Need and Fuel4Kids, we strive
to make a meaningful impact, ensuring families and children have
access to the resources they need for a healthier, brighter future.
The MEAT the Need campaign helps provide
essential protein to families facing hunger through
signi昀椀cant pork donations to Feeding South Dakota
and other regional partners.
• Over 72,000 pounds of pork loins were donated
to Feeding South Dakota, supporting 108 Mobile
Food Distributions across 90 communities and
providing nutritious protein to over 14,000
families this holiday season.
• Supported Northeast Iowa Food Bank and local
food pantries, impacting families across multiple
states, including Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota,
Illinois, and Indiana.
“We are here to help farmers; it’s what we do
every single day. Part of that is helping rural
communities where those farmers live; it’s a
natural 昀椀t to help out Feeding South Dakota
to help provide nutritious protein.”
Jon De Jong