NEWSLETTER Issue 3 of 2022 (2) - Flipbook - Page 14
ISSUE 3 | 2022
The 10th of November marked World Mental Health Day 2022 and this year's theme was
'Make Mental Health and well-being for all a global priority.' The importance of recognising
mental health issues is not just significant for a single day but every day. 1 in 4 people
experience mental health problems every year and this has become a high priority topic
throughout the construction industry.
Help us to spread the word that it is
okay not to be okay. If you are
struggling, speak out to family,
friends or colleagues. Look out for
signs in others and check in with
each other. Together we can get
through the tough times.
Saturday 10th of September marked World
Suicide Prevention Day 2022. The construction
industry loses two of its workers to suicide
everyday within the UK and Ireland.
We would like to raise awareness of this issue
and to highlight the importance of mental health.
The mental health and wellbeing of all staff /colleagues at Phoenix, and within the construction
industry is high on the agenda. By creating 'Hope Through Action' we can remind people that
there is an alternative to suicide with light at the end of the tunnel, even in the darkest of times.
The Construction Industry Helpline is a
charity dedicated to helping by
delivering welfare and support for all
those in need.
0345 605 1956