The Trinidad Presbyterian | September 2020 - Magazine - Page 1
n the midst of the nCoViD-19
pandemic, the Barrackpore
Pastoral Region successfully
completed its Adult Baptism
and Confirmation classes and
candidate Peter Arjoon, and Rev
Manan Deo hosted the final session.
Among the topics discussed
were the history of Presbyterian
Church of Trinidad and Tobago
confirmed eight new communicants
for 2020. The classes started in
March, but were suspended due
to the COVID lockdown, with only
three of the six sessions completed.
(PCTT), sin and salvation, and the
Sacraments. The candidates were
also addressed by Karamchand
Mitchell, Clerk of Session. Baptism
and confirmation took place at
the respective Holy Communion
services in August.
When gatherings were allowed to
resume, it was decided to complete
the classes in one extended
Saturday afternoon session at
Barrackpore Union Presbyterian
Church. On 18 July 2020 Presiding
Elder William Gokool, Ministerial
Barrackpore Pastoral Region
welcomes this group of teenagers
and young adults as full members
of the Church of Jesus Christ.
Thanks be to Almighty God.
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