The Trinidad Presbyterian | September 2020 - Magazine - Page 1
s we enter the month of
September the General
Elections would have
been behind us and we
would be half-way through the
28-day lockdown to contain the
spread of the deadly nCoViD-19
virus. In addition, Primary School
students would have finally sat the
S.E.A. examination and the Synod of
the Presbyterian Church of Trinidad
(PCTT) would have convened its
first day of the 60th Annual General
Meeting via Zoom.
By consensus, Synod members
decided to conduct the affairs
of the church via Zoom. It was a
‘consequential necessity’ which did
not come without its challenges.
The consensus was that the work
and mission of the PCTT should not
others. Faith formation is the very
mission of God’s church, to equip
members to fulfil their Christian
responsibility in the community and
the world. Moreover, it is the process
by which our faith grows, and our
lives are shaped for service amid
trials and tribulations. Thus, as a
people of faith, we discovered our
ingenuity out of necessity during
this global crisis.
There is no doubt that these are
still very unprecedented times
in which we live. For a second
time, all churches and religious
organizations have been instructed
by the Government to cease holding
worship services and to abide by the
necessary protocols. Our continued
participation in social distancing
offers us all an opportunity to
we have received from God? Have
we been good stewards of both our
material and spiritual gifts especially
in this time of uncertainty?
It is important to note that
Stewardship is not just about how
we manage our time, talent, and
material gifts, but how we ‘manage’
or utilize our spiritual gifts. With
worship services on hiatus, it does
Faith formation is the very mission of God’s church, to equip
members to fulfil their Christian responsibility...
cease as we wait in hope to meet
in-person. It was both a historic and
successful innovation. Considering
the trend this virus is taking inperson meetings may not happen
soon. How does a decision like this
relate to the Stewardship of Faith
The Stewardship of Faith Formation
can be defined as every action,
experience, or relationship that
nurtures, shapes, and transforms the
way we serve God and interact with
actively help flatten the curve and
prevent the needless transmission
of the nCoViD-19 virus to anyone we
might meet and interact with. It is
imperative that our churches follow
the instructions of the Government
and the Ministry of Health.
Be that as it may, as a Presbyterian
community, we are reminded that
September is designated the month
of Stewardship. The questions we
may ask in the context of our faith
are, “How have we ‘managed’ all that
not mean that faith formation is
on hiatus too. In fact, now is the
opportune time for each one of us to
demonstrate our faith and spiritual
experiences of Jesus Christ in our
May God continue to guide all our
decisions during this second lockdown that we may become better
stewards of God’s gifts – material
and spiritual. Keep safe and healthy.