The Trinidad Presbyterian | September 2020 - Magazine - Page 1
began to argue with him, “We
cannot attack those people. They
are giants! They are stronger than
we are! We felt like grasshoppers
next to them.”
Discouragement settled over the
camp, and the people began to
weep. “It would have been better
to die in Egypt or even here in the
wilderness!” the people cried.
“Let’s go back to Egypt!” Moses
and Aaron fell with their faces
to the ground. Caleb and one of
the other spies, Joshua, tore their
clothes in frustration and held up
their hands for silence. “The land
is exceedingly great,” they said.
“God will give it to us. Don’t be
afraid of the people there because
God is with us.” The crowd was not
listening and shouted, “Let’s stone
them!” pointing to Moses, Aaron,
Caleb, and Joshua.
At that moment the glory of the
Lord appeared in the tent to all the
Israelites and asked, “How long
will these people refuse to believe
in Me, in spite of the miracles and
signs I have done for them?”
Do you remember any of the
miracles and signs God did for
the Israelites? Can you list all ten
God was so displeased that His
people did not believe in Him or
wanted to obey Him, they were
not allowed to enter the Promised
Land. The Israelites were punished
and had to stay in the desert for
forty years, one year for every day
the spies were gone. Only younger
generations were allowed to enter
the Promised Land. A plague came
upon the spies who gave the bad
report about Canaan, but God
spared Caleb and Joshua because
they spoke encouragement. They
encouraged the people to have
faith follow the Lord.
We too should try to be like Caleb
and Joshua and always encourage
others to have faith and believe in