Passages UK Catalogue - Flipbook - Page 28
Small: 3” x 4” (30 Cubic Inches)
Medium: 4” x 5” (46 Cubic Inches)
Large: 5” x 5.5” (90 Cubic Inches)
One Paw Design
Two Paw Design
Classic (Pewter and Slate)
Keepsake: 3” x 3.5” (5 Cubic Inches) Small: 5” (30 Cubic Inches)
Medium: 6” (45 Cubic Inches) Large: 7” (85 Cubic Inches)
Extra Large: 8” (122 Cubic Inches)
Sitting Cat Urn
Available in White, Black, Bronze
9” x 3.5” (15 Cubic Inches)
Heart Keepsakes
3” (5 Cubic Inches)
3.5” (7 Cubic Inches)
5” (10 Cubic Inches)
in Pewter and
Slate Grey only
One-Paw Slate Grey
Two-Paw Pewter
25 Pet Products
Bronze or Pewter