solar eclipseOCLS made the October 2023 and April 2024 eclipses a blast with113 educational programs explaining the science behind theseextraordinary events.20,000eclipse glassesfrom the SpaceScience Institutewere distributed atlibrary programs6,151eclipse enthusiastsattended viewingparties at OCLSlocationsPARTNERS IN EDUCATIONHead Start is a federal program that givespreschool-aged children the tools they needto succeed in elementary school, and OCLS ishonored to partner with our local centers tomake a difference.With the support of the Friends of the OrangeCounty Library System, we provided over 1,500books to students—one for every enrolled child.Last year, our Community Engagement teamvisited all 22 Head Start locations in the county,sharing storytimes and delivering the books toexcited young readers.Together, this collaboration sparks a love ofreading, encourages families to share storiesat home and strengthens a program that is soimportant for children in our community.9
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