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Mothers of the Amazon
Founded in 2018, Mothers of the Amazon is
a non-pro昀椀t organization dedicated to the
protection of the Amazon Rainforest, its biodiversity, and the health of its Indigenous communities for future generations. They work on
critical Indigenous-led initiatives that respond
to speci昀椀c needs and challenges Indigenous
communities face. Their work is focused on
health, environmental conservation, culture
preservation, and education.
In 2023, Mothers of the Amazon made signi昀椀cant contributions to conservation as
they secured over 20,620 hectares of primary
rainforest — 3.5 times the size of Manhattan —
through their Indigenous Led Rainforest Conservation Initiative. Overall, this initiative seeks
to protect 14 endangered biodiversity hotspots
in Acre, Brazilian Amazon, representing
over 330,000 hectares and some of the
most biodiverse areas on Earth. These
hotspots are adjacent to Indigenous
demarcated territories and located
within the most extensive contiguous
territories and population of Uncontacted Communities in the world.
Other ongoing projects of Mothers of the
Amazon are bringing access to clean water,
networks of communication, and emergency response to several Indigenous groups who
are at the frontlines of climate change. Their
support has already reached 58 Huni Kuin,
Shanenawa, Yawanawa, Ashaninka, Noke Koi
and Inu Kui Ni villages in Acre, Brazil.