Northwest Reel Life September 2024 Volume 4 Issue 1 - Flipbook - Page 25
fish and one on net duty (2
nets onboard) as we cycled
through our rotation. When
it was over we had lost
about 10 or 12 fish, released
a number of fat wild fish
but still got easy limits of
8# - mid-teens coho.
It was a stellar day of
coho fishing and other
than some sore arms my
guests had an absolute
blast. It was one of the
best coho days I have ever
experienced. Although
I was the skipper, I give
credit for our success to
a handful of diving birds
sitting on a tide rip.
Although many coho are
caught on the surface with
a cut-plug herring or on
trolling flies MA 7 coho are
a downrigger show. While
most days there is a butt
crack of dawn surface bite
and occasionally during the
day you’ll get a fish with
weight or a diver running
at 33 pulls, downriggers are
a must. Downriggers allow
you to target feeding fish.
Regarding gear, probably
not a popular opinion, but
I think that MA 7 coho are
brainless feeding machines.
Once they move into the
inner sound, they are more
selective maybe even
smart. In the straights, they
focus on their next meal.