09-24 REELLIFE digital - Flipbook - Page 18
Guides offer an invaluable
service to anglers. Whether
you’ve never fished before,
are new to the area, or just
need to learn a few new
techniques and tricks,
guides provide knowledge
that can stay with you even
after you’ve paid for their
services. When fishing with
a guide, it’s like the grownup version of show and
tell. They’ll get you situated
with everything you need
and be sure to coach you
throughout the day on
the water. I’ve been lucky
enough to fish with some
great guides and I have
not taken their teachings
for granted. I’d urge you to
think about these different
areas of the fishing
experience next time you
fish with a guide and how
you can apply them when
you fish on your own.
of the herring? What's a
split shot and why do we
need it?
Your guide can be a wealth
Trial and error can be a
learning experience in itself, of knowledge if you only
take the time to ask the
but man it really speeds
questions. I’d also add this
things up when you know
- there is a great sense of
what you’re doing. Asking
accomplishment when you
questions is never a bad
retain what you’ve learned
thing to do when fishing
from a professional and
with a guide. A guide who
apply it. I think this holds
wants to help make the
true in nearly all aspects
most of your experience
with them will often answer of life. Learn how to cook a
delicious meal from a chef
questions that aren’t even
and then replicate the dish
asked. Taking the initiative
at home? You might win
and asking about the gear
spouse of the year. Have
being used when fishing
someone in a leadership
with a guide not only gives
position in your job show
you something to talk
you how to do something
about but is a learning
experience in itself. Why are and then you accomplish
we using the blue/silver lure that task later to be
instead of the red/gold lure? complimented by them?
Great job satisfaction and
Is there a reason you’re
collective efficacy. Purchase
using squid as bait instead
the right kind of flies for the