Northwest Reel Life April 2024 Volume 3 Issue 7 - Flipbook - Page 19
So, each has its place, and
lucky for us, springtime
marks the beginning of the
trout stocking programs
around the state. There’s
a good chance that if you
live on either side of the
cascades, you won’t be far
from a lake that’s getting
a dump of catchable-sized
hatchery-reared rainbow
trout right about now. A
visit to the Washington
Department of Fish and
Wildlife website will show
you all of the recent
catchable trout plants in
Washington lakes. Here’s
just a sample of some
recent western and eastern
Washington trout plant
reports. There’s a myriad
of techniques you can
deploy to catch rainbow
trout. Methods range from
dropping jigging spoons
down through a hole in
the ice during the winter
to casting flies out of a
float tube in the summer.
Stocked rainbow trout are
not terribly picky and are
known to strike at many
different types of lures and
bates. A surefire way to get
some hookups would be to
bring an arsenal of tackle
so you can use the process
of elimination in figuring
out what the fish are biting
on for that given day (it
shouldn’t take you long).