Northwest Reel Life April 2024 Volume 3 Issue 7 - Flipbook - Page 13
kokanee leaders on 12-14#
fluorocarbon. Hook size and
color are kind of a personal
preference. Many of my
kokanee lures are tied using
size 4 or 6 black octopusstyle hooks. I typically tie
a snelled rig with 2 hooks.
With my standard rig, the
hooks are close together.
Regarding leader length,
although I tend to have
spools of ready to go lures
when I’m on a lake hunting
kokanee. Typically, they are
the correct leader length
for the given fishery. It is a
good idea to have a handful
of pretied leaders that
haven’t been cut to length
The thought is that you’ll be
able to assemble your lure
and then set leader length
as required quickly. An
8-10” is kind of my standard
kokanee leader length but
sometimes the fish will
want something different.
A couple of leader
organization concepts are
either sealable sandwich or
snack bags or my favorite
the slotted foam tubes. If
using the resealable bags
gently coil your kokanee
leader and seal it in the
bag. Store the sealed
bags in something with
a latching lid. With the
slotted foam tubes, set the
hook in the foam and wrap
the leader securing the end
in one of the slots. You can
store the tubes on a rack,
in a 3–5-gallon pail, or a
2-gallon resealable bag. I
have found that using an
empty 5-gallon to hang
your leaders on during
the day does wonders for
keeping the boat organized
as you cycle through setups. Come up with an
organizational plan that
works for you and your
boat. Kokanee fishing in
general is a mental game.
Be prepared but flexible
and you will bring home
a cooler full of spring