Northwest Reel Life March 2024 Volume 3 Issue 5 - Flipbook - Page 24
It was specifically focused
on the long-term decline
of coastal steelhead in
the Queets and Quinault
watersheds, Quillayute
River system, Hoh River,
and Willapa Bay River
Between December 1st,
2023, and March 31st, 2024
there are opportunities to
fish from floating devices
on the Hoh Sunday through
Tuesday only from the
Morgan’s Crossing boat
launch downstream to the
Washington Department
of Natural Resources Hoh
Oxbow Campground boat
launch, and Wednesday
through Saturday only
from the Hoh Oxbow boat
launch downstream to
the Olympic National Park
boundary near the mouth.
Barbless single hook, catch
and release only. This
is a continuation of the
WDFW implementation of
the Statewide Steelhead
Management Plan which
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requires the Department to
prioritize the sustainability
of wild coastal steelhead
runs by focusing on healthy
levels of abundance,
productivity, diversity, and
The Hoh River is what
legends are born from,
whether you are a
conventional or a fly angler.
From a bank or a boat, you
are bound to have a great
While these regulations
are creeping onto every
river in the state, if you are
like me, it isn't necessarily
a deterrent. There is more
than just catching to all
of this. It is the gorgeous
scenery, the fresh air, the
sun on my face and wind
in my hair. Even the rain,
which you should expect.
Prime fishing for winter
Steelhead happens in
February and March,
though any time of the
year the river is producing,
depending on what you are
fishing for.
If steelhead aren’t your
thing, don’t worry – the
Hoh boasts impressive
salmon runs each year
from late spring through
Annual precipitation is
fall and manages to sustain
140 to 170 inches. The Hoh
returning populations of
Rain Forest is one of the
both Chinook and coho
finest remaining examples
salmon. The early summer
of temperate rainforest in
run of Chinook begins
the United States. Giant
Western Hemlock, Douglas- in May and is productive
fir, Western Red Cedar, and through about August.
Sitka Spruce dominate the
The Coho run on the Hoh,
landscape, while ferns and
like on all other Pacific
mosses cloak the trees and Northwest rivers, occurs in
forest floor. This is a great
the fall.
reminder of why I am here,
alive and a part of it all.