Northwest Reel Life January - February 2024 Volume 3 Issue 4 - Flipbook - Page 30
a piece of clear mono on
the leader and position it
two inches above the hook
acting as a stop.
Set the indicator (a good
one is the easy-to-cast
plastic Thingamabobber)
and put split shot on above
the tippet knot (or swivel)
and set the float about the
depth of the water.
When the trout bites the
bead the angler reacts with
a short upward lift which
tends to pull the bead
through and pin the hook
in the outside corner of the
With whitefish spawning
in western rivers in late
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January and February we
have bait to match. Trout
that key on whitefish
spawn get used to gobbling
the yellow eggs and its why
some fly-fishermen tie on
yellow wet flies in February
without knowing the
reason why the trout are
biting. Summer steelhead
may also spawn in January
and February, in which
case, the trout are eating
orange eggs. In any case,
small orange beads or tiny
yellow eggs can turn a
rainbow's head this month.
One of the greatest
moments in drift fishing is
to watch a trout peel away
from its holding lie and
follow a soft orange egg
downstream then crush
it. A squishable, scented
egg imitation tumbled
along the gravel with a drift
fishing rig or a bottomwalking drop shot setup is a
good bet in December.
My favorite hook for this
work is a Daiichi salmon
egg bleeding bait hook
sized No. 12 up to No. 8.
Again, the soft bead is
best positioned two inches
above the hook, which can
be accomplished by using
a nail knot, a blood knot,
a sequin or similar bead