Northwest Reel Life January - February 2024 Volume 3 Issue 4 - Flipbook - Page 21
When I lost a huge dazzling
Coho the echoes of
disappointment hummed
through the valley.
The comradery of fishing
is something you'll never
understand, until you feel
it. Like a Folie à deux, are
we driven by madness or
passion and is there really a
difference? Whatever it is,
that makes us feel hyped up
by each other's experiences,
it is infectious and
exhilarating. I desperately
hope the rivers will return
to a place where we can
enjoy catching at least one
fish. Not just for the fun, but
also for the food. Nothing
beats a filet from the river. I
have become so spoiled by
the flavor of a fresh catch,
commercially sourced just
doesn’t make the cut.
Make sure you check all
regulations before heading
out these days. Low returns
have caused a system-wide
closure in the Quillayute river
system. This system includes
the Sol Duc, Bogachiel,
Calawah, Dickey, Sitkum
Rivers and Thunder Creek.
As heartbreaking as these
closures are, they are
necessary to ensure that our
rivers can support humans
and the local ecosystem.
I admit, a mix of resentment
but also understanding that
the system works to protect,
preserve, and perpetuate
fish and wildlife.
As a fisherwoman, my
recreational opportunities
are last in line and that is
ok. Will this closure stop me
from enjoying the beautiful
Olympic rainforest and its
awe-inspiring rivers? Never!
I will plant my feet in the
forest, hike to the waterfalls
and sit my soul quietly by
the river.
Waiting my turn.
JAN - FEB 2024 | 21