Northwest Reel Life April 2024 Volume 3 Issue 6 - Flipbook - Page 17
To prevent Aquatic Invasive Species
from spreading to new locations anglers
must take action to remove any aquatic
“hitchhikers” from their equipment, boots,
nets, clothing, and other gear used in the
water while fishing.
When you catch an
undesired species then use
the device. Also know your
own limits, just because
you can keep 7 fish per
day does not mean you
should keep that many. A
few years ago, while on a
multi-day vacation at Neah
Bay my son and I went out
and limited on rockfish.
Between the two of us
that was 14 fish, and we
also caught some salmon
that day and our lingcod
we came back to the dock
with nearly 20 fish to clean
and fillet. That made for a
long day, and we decided
that the rest of the trip
would be spent salmon
fishing and that only if it
were a slow day would we
switch to bottomfish. Even
then we kept our personal
limits to what we wanted
to clean that day, and by
our third day we decided
we had more than enough
white flakey fillets for our
trip. The last two days were
spent trolling for salmon
and watching local wildlife.
Rockfish are delicious and
fun to catch but make sure
to catch responsibly.
APRIL 2024 | 17