11-12-24 REELLIFE digital - Flipbook - Page 39
hatchery, the largest
Steelhead hatchery in
the world. Amazing
bank fishing can be had
on the North Fork of
the Clearwater below
Dworshak Dam.
Other hot spots include
the Cottonwood Creek
hatchery on the Grande
Ronde, and Mouth of
the Little Salmon on
the Salmon River. These
areas are all hotspots and
because of this, they are
high-traffic areas. If you
would like to avoid the
crowds, fish river sections
up to 15 miles downriver
of these hot spots and just
cover some ground. The
fish aren’t as concentrated,
so it’ll likely be a situation
where you find one here
and there.
In March and April, all the
fish will be piled up near
hatcheries or spawning
grounds. This is a hot time
for Orofino, Clear Creek
hatchery, and the south
fork of the Clearwater. Little
Salmon heats up in Riggins
Idaho, the Cottonwood
creek area on the Grande
Ronde, and Hell’s Canyon
dam will begin to produce.
Let's talk techniques for
these late-season fish. The
#1 technique is drifting
a pegged bead. I use a
yakima bait size 10 pink
or orange corky with a
toothpick pegging the
bead 4 or 5 inches above
the hook, this technique
is deadly with a very soft
subtle presentation. The
Steelhead's focus is on the
bead, he never sees the
hook, but when he clamps
down on the bead and you
set the hook you stick him
in the corner of the mouth
and never get a gut-hooked