NRS-15318-2-[17-3272]-439 Capital Theatre Tamworth - Flipbook - Page 25
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Application has been made for approval to alter the
seating platforms in the gallery at the abovementioned premises
and to re-seat this section of the premises. Plans have been
submitted for approval. It will be necessary for either the
back or the front section to be barricaded while the alterations
are being made.
At present the gallery is licensed for an accommodation,
of 650. Previously, the seating in the gallery was 740 but the
exit accommodation was only sufficient for 600, and, on the 6th
may, 1937, the Minister decided that 650 should be the number
mentioned on the license. As shown on the seating plan now
submitted, the accommodation is 545 - 105 less than the number
shown on the license.
The front circle seating is comprised of six rows
divided into three blocks. The seating is laid out in the
form of segments of a circle, and central passageways radiate
between the seating. The Regulations provide that *n.ere seating
is laid out as above described,the maximum number of seats
between any two passageways or gangways may, with the approval
of the Minister, be varied. Under normal conditions, the
number of seats between two passageways must not exceed 14.
In the central block there are 15 seats in the front row and
the numbers Increase until there are 20 seats in the back row.
The Under Secretary has directed that where seating is designed
as referred to, the arc of the circle could be so flattened
that the segment would be practically straight, and that there
must not be more than 18 seats in a row. In this particular
instance, especially as the actual seating accommodation is to
be reduced, it is suggested that no objection should be raised
in regard to there being 19 and 20 seats in the two back rows.
The side blocks in the front circle provide for 16
seats in the front row and 9 seats in the back row, and passageways are shown to be 3t6" in width.
In the back circle there are three blocks of seats,
each block being flanked by 31 6" passageways. There are 7
seats in the front row of the side blocks and the numbers
increase in the respective rows until there are 13 seats in the
back row. In the central block the numbers vary between 12 and
Generally speaking, there does not appear to be any
reason why approval should not he given for the re-forming of the
seating platforms and the re-seating of tne circle.
Recommendation is made for the approval of the Minister
that the applIcant might be suitably informed, mentioning that
the approval is subject to tae items set out overpage being
given satisfactory attention, and to the alterations to the
gallery construction being in accordance with the reqpiraments
of the local Council.
During the carrying out of the alterations to the
seating platforms, either the back circle or the front circle
must be completed before the other section is commenced. Patrons
may be admitted to tne gallery, subject to the portion which is
being altered being securely barricaded so that it cannot be
It is also recommended that the Police be asked to
furnish a report as to the actual number of eats installed upon
completion of the work.
The Under Secretary.v-'
_Architect, 12/10/37.