Marriage: Love and Law exhibition catalogue - Flipbook - Page 121
Post-war immigration in the 1950s and 1960s coupled with the
rolling back and later quashing of the ‘White Australia’ policy
in the 1970s, laid the foundations for Australia to become one
of the most culturally diverse nations on earth. At the 2016 Census,
28 per cent of Australians were born overseas. One hundred years
earlier, migrants overwhelmingly came from Britain. Today, people
come to Australia from all corners of the globe. Just as Australia’s
population has become more culturally and linguistically diverse
over time, so, too, has the way in which marriages are solemnised
and celebrated.
87 Louise Whelan
Pakistani Hindu wedding,
Castle Grand Function
Centre, Castle Hill,
9 April 2011 (detail)
Digital photograph
State Library of NSW, a5482 Online