AF00180108 NRS-3829-11-[14-7325]-3 Bombo PS - Flipbook - Page 2
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D,--p1rdidoritly suggested that consideration be given t
iring the children from nmore, near Shellharbowm
:ailway Station, conveyed by bus to Bombo school
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)unmore is mid- way between 6.aellnaroour ant..
T,oml)o scxooJs. The Headmaster stated that in the even:
of the scheme being adopted the bus which conveys chilb:
Lrom It, innamurra to his school would have to travel an extr:
3 or 4 miles each morning to Dunmore and return to pick u
these children. In the afternoon a special school bus run
from Sheliharbour to his school to bring the children home
to Minnamurra. This bus oasses through Dunmore on its retur.
o Shell
11- rr
faij thie same allowance as he receives at present for tb.
1-unmore childre
:f* helltiarbois.
.sese k. %.A.
school so
ng attendance
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children is to increase the numbers a~•Y1rt7"e,t n fl a
ntefvlew ,
arents at and near Dunmore and found that the parents ox
..O out of the 13 children at Dunrrore proper are willing
them to transfer to his school. The two remaining fami1
are undecided, Of the 7 children who live about 2 mile
beyond Dunmore, 5 are evacuees from Wollongong and mig
return shortly. The other two preferred to continue a
Stxellharbour. Under the circumstances the Headmaster t1i,.
that the scheme wold be impracticable on a voluntary basis
He suggests that the Departmt advise the parents of al.",
children that tne--
Mr. Inspector i-arxisoii conitents as fO
"Mr, 771ades, has a personal interest, in the proposal an a±s.soi:
his representations have much to commend them, it is my belief
in view of Dxle attituae of the paiens and
Inspector's remarks, it is recommended that no action
to alter the existing arrangements at the
.• .............