AF00180106 NRS-3829-2-[5-14996]-51-4996.2A Bombo PS - Flipbook - Page 22
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if school property and enlargement of building.
OM IWO ANN 1,110
The railway Commissioners state in reply, to an inquiry
whether they would allow this 7epartment to make an addition to
the present school buildingf that th, land on which the school is
is erected is under the control of the owner ,the Hon, S Charles
M.L.C.sis rot included in the land leased to the railway 'epartment. They add that the question f the proposed improvements
to the building is therefore a matter for arrangement with Capt.
The use of this building was first obtained from the
Railway Department in May 1890 at a rental of
rent was paid up to 31st March 1894
per week, whidl
The school then closd hut
May 195 was reopened on the Railway Commissioners granting
the free use of the building for the purpose subject to one
month's notice of vacation. It now appears that the property on
which it stands has been handed back by the Commissioners to the
actual owner.
It is submitted that, in the event of Capt. Charles
being requested by this Department to give his consent to the
enlargement of the building, he should also be asked to grant a
lecie of the site for. a fixed term in or,ler to give the Department a more secure tenure.
It maY be mentiened thatin 1890 tY4Department spent
£54-5-0. in impr.ovements to the premises.
11. 11. 96.
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