AF00180105 NRS-3829-11-[147609]-1 Kiama PS - Flipbook - Page 1
42 137/10641
Condition-Gf stairway.
Foreman Builder Baxter:
_5 NOV190
Vill you please let me have a-,22ae-olit on
the condition of the stairway at this school.
The last report as to Its conditio
furnished on 9th January last.
The stairway at this school is in an excellent
I personally repaired this staircase in
state of repair.
1924, or about that pe-,iod. At that time the trea d s were worn.
In order to overcome this I took away the nosings, made wider
nosincs nnd put on a covering of Trinidad bitumen and metal
dust r think over the top of the whole of the staircase treads,
I had the pleasure of
thus forming an entirely new tread.
inspecting the staircase after some 17 years when I found that
the condition of the treads was as good as when the work was
finalised. The staircase is sound and dependable; there is
not the slightest element of danger associated therewith, nor
can I foresee any possibility of danger.
Perusal of the attached file,however, discloses
that at one time, it was proposed to add a fire escape, but the
proposal did not meet with the approval of the Government Architect.
Owing to the insistence of the local people the matter was
reconsidered, and the scheme finally submitted was to demolish
the existing staircase and replace it with a concrete stairway at
a cost of £174, but on 19/5/36 it was decided to defer the scheme.
recommend. that it be again deferred, as I cannot see the slightest
justification for the removal of the existing stairway.
As regards the application for a fire escape,
I would point out that that there are only two classrooms affected,
and the present stairway could evacuate the two classrooms without
any difficulty. It is also pointed out that Kiama has a good
water supply and the Fire Brigade Station is within one hundred
yards of the school - in the event of fire the Brigade shoA_d. 1,e
on the premises within a few minutes. The erection of a fire
escape could not be considered essential. I might mention that
in many Metropolitan centres the one stairezt_pe would have to
evacuate at least four or five classrooms.
The Officer in Charge,
B ildinR B anch.
Foreman Builder. 4/11/42.