AF00179886 NRS-3829-11-[14-7620]-4 Kooringal Public School - Flipbook - Page 12
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.............................. ..... ............. SECTION.
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The. .....Director. ....
South Western Area.
Fenwr)od Park
tablishrnnt of a
ith the a°siatance of th TTeadrnaster
members of the staff of South Wagga School, I conducted a
survey into the child population of the Henwood Park area.
For the purpose of this survey we excluded Roman Catholic
families from consideration, assuming that even if a Public
School were built at Henwood Park, their children would
continue to travel by bus to denominational schools in
Wage itself.
On 2nd September, 1957, I visited the area
to observe itshousing development. I found many homes under
construction. There had been a noticeable expansion since
the beginning of the year. Subdivision of the land has been
extensive. During the past few months the development has
extended back from the main road on to the elevated land to
the west. My visit convinced me that there was need for a
school to be started there without delay.
There may be no doubt that, whether a move
is made now to start it or not, quite a large primary school
will be needed for the Hlenwood Park of the fut're. An easing
of credit for home building would make the necessity for a
school come rapidly.
The following table shows the number of
children living in the area to be served by such a school:
Attending Figh School
Attending Primary School
Under school age l"O
(As mnent1ond above, these figures
exclude the ROman Catholic children.)
The figures show that It is a young community,
ensuring stability of enrolment in a Primary School. Most of
these primary school children now travel by crowded bus daily
to South Wagga School, which is from two to three mlles'froTn
their homes. The Fenwood Park School site is about 2 miles
from South Wagga School. As shown by papers on this file, a
survey conducted in May, 1957, indicated that there were 94
children of primary s chool age from this area attending
public schools in W,agga, namely Turvey Park I, Demonstration
94. The latest survey
72 : total
21, South Wagga
shows an increase of 17 on these figures, again indicating the
rapidity of the growth.
o Date