AF00179884 NRS-3829-11-[14-7900]-14-7900 Wagga Wagga South Public School - Flipbook - Page 14
47545 7.53
P.O. Box 120,
Wagga Vv`agga
Qouth ao- pa Public
New Puildinp roposnls.
Yours of the .740t! 'rch, 1954.
514/1425V1E1.30-P1 V.AG:Nr.
definitely that it would be wiser to rercve the Aole building
proposal in an easterly eireetion snd plr,ee it upon the site
resumed in rdwsra cltre - t.
There exist on the resumed property in both r,dward
r'Are,As Fqx ene four terraced cottages
. These nre sub-sterd,Ird dwellinF9, it to
vnrious persons by the Government real Fstete Office. That
office is facet'', with directions from the Wainre City 0ouncil
and the fouth - rn Rivpc-rinEl County rouncil to car,lr cut
extensive repairs, end it is obvious from the rental return
and the s 4 r-te of the s t ructures 7enernlly th ,bt no expenditure
on renovations (inn be justified. T have agitterl for some
time that steps he telcen to secure vncert possesOon
dwellings with a view to their demolition. As the
reasonable alternative to the plac - ment of the new, - nfants'
buildirw Peross acleasr street is to erept it on ttic area
occupied by six Mweilinqs in Fdwrtra Stre-t, 7 4'eel thnt it
is eerent!al that steps be tsVen to secure vacant Dosveseion
of these cotteves an offer them Por sale ane demolition.
rven if the new building,' is not t,-anrferred to the site
propr'sed, it will he necessary to lemolish the cottages, as
the lane they oc-ury would he esrentinl for playground space.
Mr. O'lisilorsn informs me that-the butielinp can be treneferr.ed
to the new sit without 9ny major elterstione in the
qs tko_pite 1.R perfectly level and the principal alterotinn
woullTthe the location of the various services such as water,
sewerWFre and electricity.
Vention is made in earlier papers on the qeneral
euestion of access to the railways property t the 'owe.- r'nd
of Weelesy - tre - t, ut accesP to the main thorourbfnre is nce
available by a lnnewny betwe ,r the c'itntion Yasti,r's rePide
and the fence adjacent to the railway line. Access to the
StPtion rqster'r- residence lo ntill avn'Tal.le from the
laneway at the r,--er o+' PP 11222.
P3COMME7 Di. •