AF00179884 NRS-3829-11-[14-7900]-14-7900 Wagga Wagga South Public School - Flipbook - Page 13
47545 7.53
P.O. Box 120,
Wagga Wagga
south "F.7
Public 'chnolt
New Pul1ciin7 Prop-enl.
Your s of the 30th Varcht
514/B295/1 )17r/-11"
T hqve benn concernea for some time about the
apparent locl, of rrowress concerning the erection of a new
Tnfents' builetng ',ne the removal of the primary building et
F!outh Nappe, The .7outh agge primary scho-1 buildinw is
probably the moPt eilnpidatee and uninapirinp buil ,
'ing in
Vris rea, and T have been reNseA rermls ion to rrner,re wt
renovations on the groynes that An extensive remodellinq
schere iP proposed. Tbis sitwtion has elriPten for
One of the principal difficulties tn be ow,reore
in comrrencinv the Tnfants' propoeml is the occupation of the
pection of "ecleay -treet between the eYistinp Pchool site
ane the resumed property. In the section of Mecleay Ptreet
concerned there exist 4 watPr main end power trarerilsion
lines, under the control of the southern riverino i:ounty
Council. In a communication tintee, the 2nth Jarro.,
the County Council has been informed th-t a propoP,n1 to pro/lee
an eadifent of' 16' in aclerly Street ir -ntirely Perbeptalle to
the Pepartrent, and the ,,ande re-nrtment wonld rrocePd with
the re-.dedication of the strec,t on tYis basis. It is noted
from the plans drawn for the new buildinas nt South Weg-ri
that the principal structure is placed ncross 1:aeles:.; treet
Ind that water main anel trensmis-ion lines vi-tuelly bisect
!rtment would have a
the buildincr. This rvenns that the Per,
16' en(&rt throurill the centre of the structure.
AP P remit of the difficulties apparent in
situation of this n, ture FirrnngetTents were ma r e by this office
to on11 a conference of representatives of the County ouncil
and the p-7rrn City Council, r, S. 3. O'Halloran, Architf,r.t
who prP.pred the plans ror the new builrlincrs and the riptrict
Inspector of - choo114 This conference took place in the
HeadmsetrL.r's office at the Wagga South Public r(4loo1 on
Friday 1,7st, and various eiternativcs to over-core the
situation were discussed. The representeltiw)s of the County
Cornell maintained th, t they would not recomffend th their
authorltips the diversion nr the watnr end elctricity mninp
and a smn.estion was made thnt if the building be erected
in the lnr-Plity provsed that a c.:- nerete tunnel be constructed
uneer the roadway. This would be an e*pensive propneition
and not an entirely satisfactory solution to the difficulty.
Yr. O'Halloran was asl-ed to exprespl an opinion on What action
he would take Fis the responsible nrc'-itect, end he stated
der I ni