AF00173901 Tweed Heads South Public School NRS-3829-11-[14-7892]-14-7892 - Flipbook - Page 8
All that piece or parcel of land situate in the Shire
of Teed, Parish of Terranora and County of Rous being part of
Portioh 220:
Corlimencing at a point in the eastern side of
Oxley 8treet being the south western corner of Portion 219 and
bounded thence by part of the southern boundary of that portion
bearing 90 degrees 1215 and 4/10ths links, thence bir a line
bearing 180 degrees 824 and 8/laths links to the northern side
of Kirkwood Road,thence by that side of that road bearing
respectively 270 degrees 10 minutes 744 and 4/10ths links and
270 degrees 19 minutes 471 links to the eastern side of Oxley
Street aforesaid, and bounded thence by that side of that street
bearing 360 degrees 820 links to the point of commencement having al. area of 10 acres or thereabouts and said to be in the
possession of Thomas Henry Turnock.