AF00173900 Tweed River High School NRS-3829-11-[14-7892]-2 - Flipbook - Page 6
Accommodation for flew High School.
Approval has been granted to the provision of
accommodation on a separate site at Tweed Heads South for
secondary pupils so that the accommodation at the present
Intermediate High School may be taken over by primary.
Conditions are at present most congested and temporary
expedients have been adopted to accommodate all children
The need is,
pending completion of the new buildings.
therefore, urgent. On the Loan Programme file approval
to the release of funds from the 1960/61 Loan allocation
has been recommended.
In view of the urgency, the Public Works Department
negotiated with Kell and Rigby Pty. Ltd., for the preparation
of working drawings and the price for the construction of
buildings. This has been received and is in the sum of 4E247,218
The ender includes
including a contingency sum of £1,000.
a condition that progress payments will be deferred until
after the 30th June, 1960.
Pull details of funds required, if approved, are
as follows:—
Building work as per tender
Stores and Services
Clerk of iorks salary
T 0 T A L :
Details of the accommodation to be provided are set
out in the Examining Committee's report attached (tabbed A)
The report also shows that the type of construction is of
light steel structural frame with exernal walls of a
combination of face bricks and P.V.C. coated metal spandril
panels and roofing of deep corrugated asbestos ceaent sheeting.
Ale cost analysis is set out in full on page 3 of
the report which indicates:
the approved formula applied to the tender
price represents a cost per pupil of £532
on the basis of 464 pupils.
Site and other problems associated with the
new buildings are estimated to increase the
cost by £51,577.
The cost per pupil after allowin7 for these
factors is £406.
An increase in cost per pupil must be
expected in inverse proportion to the
reduction in pupil accommodation as say
from 1,000 pupils down.
That the rate is comparable with other new
schools for which prices have been obtained