AF00173900 Tweed River High School NRS-3829-11-[14-7892]-2 - Flipbook - Page 5
P19 AB
Tweed Aver High,
cover strip siould be pl,cea over the expansion joint
locrttQd between the atore and the 000kery room. The 'c,-tor6.
proof Mautic i being damAged
The timber racks in the woodwork store should be battened
per standards.
(i1) Ourtin,3 1111FG not yet been provided for thel aw;ambly 11211 and
oupply should be riff-II:A(4d before the official ol,ening on
the 19th October.
11 is defective
The air conditioning stem in the asoembly h,
ind in at T,rcwant being investigated
There appear; to be need for three spear points in the Grounds
to promote and oustlin the growth of t„r1;:s on the aohool
grounds which it,tve boon filled Ath and. Prices are to
be submitted for VAG wutk.
Me change rooms and showers for the Physical J;;ducation
:Jupervisoris appear a trifle elaborate :tna future rooms
of this type should be reduced in size.
The shower wall 7' high and this does not permit adequate
supervision. It should be reduced to 4'6".
Mr, J. Boon,
Co-ordinating Unit.