AF00167739 T&PH Ozone NRS-15318-1-[10-53014]-T213 - Flipbook - Page 19
Police Station Broken Hill,
rith June 1947.
Inspector of Police
Subj e c t
1 23
BrePch of l'heqres and Public Halls Act, by Thomas
Simon Powell, anager of the Ozone Theatre B.J. Pty Lt 1
Broken Hill,
Section 2?; Theatre and _Public Hai is Act , ',To 13 of 19n.
and Police Rules and Instruction .1624 ( c)
I have to report . tart in caiipany .,ivitn. Constable 1/C
IPT)ish., we visited the Ozone ,Picture Theatre about 7.TOpm on the 27th •
June 1947. wdich is a permanent theatre et Broken Hill and which is
conducted solely for the purpose of ,exhibiting the ciij.iei:,,:-. .atorn, Hph
iii e, It 13.01d ,- cur:2ent license :No 44700. anc1. is licensed. •tO seat
1097 i)ersons with fixed seating.
_ The Theatre
South kustralia and is registered in New South Wales under . the naie of
Ozone Th.E.-etre t.-. ..-1..Pty Ltd. and Tiaa:..;?„s SiLion Powell of 197 Chloride
Street Broken Hill is the manager.
We entered the theatre which is situnted at Blend Street
broken Hill end sew i-,-ir Powell taking tickets from persons entering
the theatre, we watched a picture being shown entitled 'II ,.,,lorit 21.p.y"
I noticed that some loose seats were placed in the passage way in the
Au.ditoriuta of the thetr ,.:-?_, This passage g-. R9:_H ran fi-yom the en-i-,r5.)nce
door where 1...r .Powell was t/e.king -tickets to theo pposite Side of the
theatre and from tial.:.•: passage two otheo2 paisOzes ran towards the ;
front of -tiap the-tre.
The loose seats which rind been placed in the lossae, IT7-.-#.,
wee . occupied by seven persons making this passage wPy very naTrow Pre
would. 111.v-e ly?c..n r'r, .:- gerous in case of panic in the th.e- tre.
I spoke to Hr 2 ow ell ,•',n(71. TT,id" Lou have a number of iooe
seats in the passPewP.y. with Der sons occupying them,are you overcrowded .
in . th(.,-, thetre toni4rt" lie replied "I dont think so,but I thought it w
alright to carry it' some loose sects ,only seven are occupied ''Lid•the.
other thirteen or fourteen sects are pieced there in
anticipation of .beng occupied" . I said " You ceunot rive any loo. s
seats in the passreway of the tn.t.--a.tre, tour seating accoai- t•locin:tion
fixed under your license" He snid. 11 ti.i.oulat it would be 7.•lr ight
t'La7 q; 1 could iaave a dozen persons stp.nding in the thetre, over the
number oi- A my license and we hPve been in the habit of placing loose
sec * s in the theatre when we have got an overcrowd
i.,-Tr .Powell was directed to rr5nove the loose seats fr(....
the theatre and he wee inforided ti:-it the 1-...ia - ,'Ler would 'be, report e"
The Superintendent of Police,
Sgt 3r)(9 lass
Forwarded for infOrmation and favour of transmission
to the Under Secretary, Chief Secr-', tary t a Department ft r con sideratic
Mr. Powell called at my offie yesterday and expressed his
for having placed the chairs in the position in which they were found,:
but stated he was not awaL'e he was cmmittin.7 any of
he gave me his assurance that under no consideration would a repetition
This theatre has been operating in Broken Hill.
of the offence occur.
under the management of Er. Powell for a number of year t and the
Police have experienced no a.) ._-'evious trouble with the management, and
perhaps therefore it might be considered het a war ng would su -T'fice
in this instance.
r.)4 54:3
Inspector let rilass.