AF00143528 NRS-13340-6-540-[AF00143528] Charles Hardy - Flipbook - Page 25
£136)92. 0.0
âL11JAZ piece of land situate in South Waa
Waga containing 21j perches being part of
Allot"ent . 19 of Section 1 nni being part of
the land d*npri3ed in Certificate of Title
Volume 1606fo1io 185 having a frontage of 47
feet 3 thch53 to 3urwood Street by a depth of
132 feet
Te Th1lowtr ar the i'nrrove'cnt thertn:
One Storey brick residence containing 7 roorn
detached and in fair tenantable repair.
ptsce of land situate in South Waga
Waa containing () acres I rood 1* perches
being part of Allotrient I of '3eot1on 27 having
a frontage of 66 feet to Dobbs Street and
177 feet 6 Inches to Goonigal Avemie.
T'ere are no ttrovents thereon.
Total Valuo.
of Wagga Waga in the 3tate of Now South
1, Giwj
Wales, Architect and Surveyor, having Inspected the above
described properties and the Improvements thereon certify
that the present market value of the above properties
including the improvements in that not opposite to the
resreetive pripertie.
Thited at
Wasa this
25th cla: of M'ty 1908.
Aiiirs3...........Johnstone 3treet Waça
Occtn'at ion........ .Architsot and Surveyor......