AF00101491 School file Dubbo High post 1939 14-7463 - Flipbook - Page 7
80541 6.48
Church of England Hostels - Application for
Government financial assistance.
Representations have been made by the Rev. C.W.
leeavers for financial assistance to the Church of England
Hostels under his control at Dubbo. He advises that the
04pLostels exist for children from the Far west attending the
,/State schools at Dubbo and that 40 girls and 35 boys are at
pt-,0i',7 present in residence of whom 34 girls and 26 boys attend the
high school, the remainder attending Dubbo Central Primary
The Rev. Leavers requests a grant to cover the
deficit in the running of the hostels last year caused by
an increase in the cost of food stuffs and charges, such grant
to be used for the replenishment of beds, bedding etc. and
repairs to walls and floors.
In reporting on the application M. Inspector
Jeffery states that the hostels are well run and serve the
community well, but he can find no circumstance which would
jastify a subsidy within the term laid down for such cases.
60 Lo
One of the conditions to which a hostel must conform
before consideration is given to the question of financial
assistance is that there exists an acceptable local committee
prepared to undertake the responsibility of the conduct of the
hostel to the satisfaction of the Department. No local committee
exists for the Church of England Hostels at Dubbo which are run
under the Rev. Leavers' direct control. He submits a balance
sheet to the Bishop of the diocese each year.
The balance sheet for the year ended ecember, 1947
discloses that the hostels functioned at a loss of 1,188,8,2
for the year but that there was a credit balance of £357.15.4
as at 31st December, 1946, so that there was still a credit
balance of £169.7.2 at 31st December, 1947. It would appear,
therefore, that the finances of the hostels are in a reasonably
satisfactory condition. Fees have been increased this year from.
23/6 to 26/0 per week for girls and from 25/0 to 27/0 per week
for boys to obviate any further loss.
In the circumstances it is RECONNENDED that the
Rev. Leavers' application for financial assistance for the
Church of England Hostels at Dubbo be declIned.
Draft letter submitted herewith for the Minister's
signature if approved,
1. 7 SEP 1948