AF00101475 NRS-3829-11-[14-7772] Oxley Vale Tamworth - Flipbook - Page 3
fctivities and has earned much credit thereby but the •')1d name
is a big handicap.
6. This hil1si(7e is a lovely area, at present the
only sewered land available in mworth and a change
of name ,'iould probably do a lot to lead people to
build here less than three riles from Post Office.
Much of 7amworth e.g. South 7=orth, unsewered land,
is more than three miles from the town but went thea when
the name was chnl7ed (in like circumstances) from
Fairview to South mam7orth at the opening of the
South TETiworth rldhool in November 1952.
Therefore I respectfully suggest that the opportunity
be taken to have the rirovernor officially name the
school 2712yraj
,..222m1ILL[2. at the opehing;and it
should make Ms visit a little more important than
opening a second school that morning and that only
a smaller primary school of four classroom
F.S. In 1054 Mr. T. Henderson suggested something
he done al'out the name and promised his support for
the change. I haveawaite the new school occasion
to put it forward.