AF00101293 School file Broken Hill East Infants 14-7346 - Flipbook - Page 6
broken hill. DDISTRICT
Memorandum from Ilidward 0.
Inspector to
Droicen hill Last infants' 6cnool
inquiry re Staffing.
Ati.eLziE140L: Letter from President of tne r,otners' Club.
At Alma Public School, infants' Department, at the present moment
there is a snortage ol accommodation. Kindergarten classes are
so managed that one uses a room left vacant by a class taking
rhythm in tne hail through the day. Aew classroom accommodation
is to be built at this School and tenders have at the present
moment been called for this accommodation.
In view of this need to migrate classes with young children
numbers of children who can be enrolled have been restricted.
Children who will turn 5 within the term cannot be accommodated.
The Staff aeturn gave Ineaigures of the Kindergarten classes as
3'5, 35 and 36. This 1.441-Linince- built up now witn the oldest 5 y ear
olds to an average of 37.
Parents living up towards the east of Alma School and some others
took their children woo were 5 or who would turn 5 within the term
to Eas, infants' Scnool where Hiss Rowlands, without reference to me,
enrolled them until her numbers reached 41. East infants' School
is isolated, the nearest home being a quarter of a mile away. It
does not appear likely that many more young infants' children will
be presented for enrolment at East infants' School. The smallness
of the additional room at this Scnool, being approx. 20' x 20',
inclines me to tne opinion that it is not suitable at present to
nave an additional teacher appointed to that School.
Tne most sensible solution appears to be to enrol the 8 Second °lass
children at East infants' at Alma Public School, together with 3
suitable .iirst Class cnilaren. this will reduce the numbers at this
Scnool to 30, and sine there will now only be ie classes, Kindergarten
and First Class, it will enable the Kindergarten children there to
receive a fuller Kindergarten experience from the teacher-in-cnarge.
Accordingly i nave directed the teacner-in-cnarge to refuse further
enrolments of 5 year old children f,Jr the remainder of this year and
directed tne parents of the cnildren eiected to present them for
enrolment at Alma infants Scnool.
It is recommended that the President of the Aothers' Club be
informed tnat the District inspector, after investigating the
additional enrolments at .a%)Ken hill East infants' School, has
arranged for tne Second Class cnildren and 3 suitable First Class
children 'to ue accommodated in the infants' je,artment at Alma
Primary Scnool. .'or tne remainder of this year it is intended
tnat only Kindergarten and Yirs6 Classes will be taught at the
East infants' School. When additional accommodation is available
at tne Alma i'uolic Scnool, it is expected tnat tne present
Kindergarten Lnrolments will decrease so tnat n 195d the School
will be able again to taKe all Infants' 'lass a-.
St 724
'elst dune, 1957.
JUN 1951