AF00101281 Premiers correspondence 1947-1948. NRS-12060 [9/3452] 47/3607 - Flipbook - Page 66
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flew *outb IC: ales olirrnment Offires.
56/57 itio+rtfingttnr ittatEr;-ti257 *trattb,
Vontwit, trot.e.. 7th januar:yIn reply quote No.
Aws/mo,,49. (
Indexed under Dent
esert fo'n l'rmoose Elizabeth.
rer'Idinr Pl,
refer to my letter of the 5th December, 1947
relatinz to the lilankets which the Government fresentea
to Princess Elizabeth on the occasion of her recent marriage.
As TyDinted out in that letter two of the ,)ac:la,---2
containln the s.necial "olankets arrived b.,7 ir and were
duly delivered, to Her Ro-,al highness.
The 3rd package, which was understao to be -fl!-.-.rt of
the same air consignment has not yet arrived.
The i'",- uantas Empire -,.-irways raoresentatives here were,
some time ago, recl.1e3te6_ to make urwent enquiries regarding
and now state that after
the arrival of the third Tac,',7..age
exhaustive search, they have not been able to trace it
althouzh their enQues are 'st 4 11 -proceedin2:.
It would aear that there is a - nossfility that the
3rd parcel has been lost but, in view of the seriousness
of the situation, it is suggested that em.-Juiries be made
at your end.
A letter was received on the 6-ti January from ;Lhe
Government ;=-2-tors De2artment stating that the 8 cases of
additional blanl:ets (for distribution by the 1.- ?rincess to
necessitous -people) had been shipped by the "Eserance Bay"
and I m making aDroriate arran gements for these to be
handed to Her Roal Highness on arrival.
." 10 doubt you will let re know in due course the result
of your encluir-'es relatir - to the missing packae.
Yours faithfully,
The Hon. James UcGir,
Premier Colonial Treasurer,
...At eN,%XlAgNr, 4.L4
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