AF00093304 ---[5-16536.2]-5-16536.2[DUP2] Lake Albert School - Flipbook - Page 10
factor,in the spread of the disease among the School
The question as
what danger,if any,Gertrude
are to the rest
of the Scholars is more difficult to answer, It is
general4r held that diphther(bacilli are harmless,
but there are still a few authorities who doubt this,
I recoiimend the following measures be taken to
stamp out the Diphtheria among theSoholars of the
School :
Henry Anderson and his brothers be exclud
ed from School attendance until two
GATIVE bacteriological examinations of
1throat be obtained,sxaminations to be
made once a week,For these examinations I
would forward the necessary materials
which could be taken to one of the Wagga
Doctere,who would take the ewabbings.
The ewabbi rigs could then be sent to me by
post..In addition I can forward a supply of
formaiuint tablets for the Andersons use,
If Henry Anderson could corveniently be
removed from intercourse with his brothers
they (the brothers) need not be excluded
from School attendance,
The three Fury children (Gertrude, Jane, and
Alfreu) be excluded from School for say 3
The use of a common towel be not allowed
at this Soho ol,at least during the conmo
tinuance of the diphtheria.The Head
Master has already stopped its use,
Common drinking vessels be not allowed,
The Head Maeter,at my instigation,removed
the drinking mug from the water tank at
the time of my visit.
The use of articles in common,such as
slates,pencils,&c,be discontinued,at least
while diphtheria is prevelent.
If any fresh cases occur,the School be
disirifected in accordance with directions
to be obtained from the Department.