AF00093300 Tweed Heads Public School NRS-3829-2-[5-17917]-5-17917.3 - Flipbook - Page 39
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Twee HeadF Ol
22th March, 191.
Report on Results
of the 1917-1918
Swimming Season.
I have the honor to report that the Swimming Season just
ended has been one of unqualified success both in the continuity
the work done and in the results achieved.
At the beginning of the season the school was visited by
Misc 711a Gormley B.A. and the work already well in hand, received
considerable imiDetus.
A very successful Carnival was held in recember, since when
classes of children have been regularly brought before the critical
eye of Yr. T. A. Ninness Honorary Examiner to the Royal Life Saving
ocety. In all but one case the pupils presented have gained the
certificates sought.
The value of the instruction is better understood when it is
knI' n that many of the children could not swim a stroke at the be
gnnng of the season and that the tests include, not only swimming
the . . . ociety's release and rescue methods and the
resuscitation of the apparently drowned.
Appended are the esults.Enrolment. 63 boys and 58 girls.
31 boys and 21 girls could swim
at the beginning of the course.
25 boys and 29 girls acquired the art.
7 boys, whose attendances were 2, 3, 31 3,
4, 4, and 5 days, and 8 girls, attendances 2, 2, 21 2, 6, 61
61 and 9 days, failed to swim.
The following R. L. S. Society's Awards were made.Elementary Certificates7-7777/T7=4-7Fis. --Proficiency Certificates, 26 boys and 12 girls.
Bronze ledallions,
1 boy and
1 girl. (John Hutton and
Constance Cowley)
Charles Poyes, Leonard McAuley, Donald 1clullen, Gladys Cook,
Elsie Dennis, Jean Gardiner and 7dna Ninness alsch passed the Bronze
test, but as they are all under the age of 15, are not allowed by the
R. L. S. Society to hold the medallion.
I have the honor to be,
Your obedient servant,
Inspector of Schools,
Head Easter.