58The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy4. About the AuthorDr Ari Magill, M.D.Dr. Ari Magill, M.D. is a board-certified neurologist with extensive experience in clinical practiceandresearch.HeearnedhisM.D.fromUTSouthwesternMedicalSchool,completedhisneurology residency at the University of Arizona, and a fellowship in movement disorders at theUniversity of Colorado.Dr. Magill has worked as a neurohospitalist, clinical researcher, and treated patients withcognitiveimpairmentsandveteranswithtraumaticbraininjuries.Heispassionateaboutcognitive, behavioral, and memory disorders, and functional medicine health coaching. Dr.Magill’s approach considers both eastern medicine’s preventative philosophies and westernmedicine’s disease and injury treatment plans.Currently,Dr.MagillisacontractwriterforExpertInstitute,whereheprovidesmedicalbackground reports for court cases and also works as a freelance medical writer. He is dedicatedto advancing dementia treatment through neuroscience research and promoting aggressivelifestyle changes supported by the judicious use of supplements.
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