52The Ultimate Guide to Red Light TherapyNovaaLab‘s Glow Therapy Mask is a skincare powerhouse, offering six different light modes to targetvarious skin concerns. From dullness and aging to acne and uneven skin tone, this mask can address multipleconditions affecting the face, as described below:Red Light Mode:Blue Light Mode:Yellow Light Mode:Acne-prone skin will benefitUneven skin tone is targetedrevitalizing boost for your skin. Itfrom this mode. It targetswith this mode. It helps reducestimulates collagen production,acne-causing bacteria, reducesredness, improves blood flow,improves blood flow, andinflammation, and promotesand brightens your complexion.reduces dullness, leaving yourclearer skin.This mode provides askin with a youthful glow.Purple Light Mode:Infrared Light Mode:Red and Infrared Light Mode:This mode combines theInfrared penetrates deepThis dual-action modebenefits of red and blue lightinto your skin to stimulatecombines the power of bothfor a soothing and rejuvenatingcollagen production, improvered and infrared light forexperience. It helps calmskin texture, and reduce themaximum anti-aging benefits.inflammation and promote skinappearance of pores.renewal.For best results, use the mask 3-5 times a week for about 10 minutes each session. The mask is designed forcomfort and safety, and it‘s easy to use. Simply place the mask on your face, select your desired light mode,and relax. Remember, consistency is key. With regular use, you can expect to see visible improvements in yourskin within a month; many see results in only one week.
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