51The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy3.8 Can RLT be Used on the Faceand What is the Protocol for DoingSo?Unlike harsh chemical treatments, red light therapy offers a soothing alternative that eventhe most sensitive skin can benefit from. By harnessing the power of light, this treatment helpsimprove skin texture, reduce redness, and promote a healthy glow without the risk of irritationor damage.As mentioned earlier, RLT can be used to effectively treat photoaging, including fine lines andwrinkles, and acne affecting the face.5,7It also boosts collagen production, which is key to ayouthful facial appearance and might help treat psoriasis.6,10A recent study found that blue light therapy might help treat eczema, a common skin conditioncharacterized by itchy, red, and inflamed skin that can affect the face.38People with eczemawho used blue light for four weeks saw a 30% improvement in their skin condition.
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