5The Ultimate Guide to Red Light TherapyOne theory for how RLT works is that it boosts ATP productionby moving electrons within the chromophores.Imagine these2electrons like tiny balls of energy that get bumped to higher levelsby the light. As they move back down, they help create more ATP.Reactiveoxygen(ROS)importantarespeciesinthewecanenhancethebody’snatural healing process.healing process because theyRLTormayoffthroughalsooninfluence the behavior of stemWhilecertaingenescells—special cells in the bodyincrease the production of ROSproteinscalledthatin healthy cells, which may aidtranscriptionturnfactors.2cantypesThese genes help controlthethedamagedhealingOverall,seemscellulartolikeprocess.thistotherapyactivity,potentialwounduniqueabilitytissues.2in healing, it is primarily knownrepairfor reducing oxidative stress inWhendamagedtissues.3Whenourleadingdamaged tissue. ROS act likehelps counteract this damagebenefitsmessengers, guiding the stembycells to where they’re needed.effects of these molecules.managingstemweof ROS can cause harm. RLTBythesetohavebodies are injured, high levelsandinjured,differentandtemporarilycellshealingtissue repair.cellscanrush to the site to help rebuildjumpstartgetbecomeofRLTROSlevels,reducingtheharmful
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