47The Ultimate Guide to Red Light TherapyThe researchers tested RLT using laser or LED devices on 18 patients who had just had THA surgery, splittingthem into two groups.35One group received real RLT treatment, while the other got a placebo treatment.They applied the therapy to five points along the surgical cut 8-12 hours after the operation.The team measured pain using a simple scale and checked blood samplesfor signs of inflammation.35They found that patients who got the real RLTtreatment had less pain and lower levels of certain inflammatory markerscompared to those who got the placebo. This suggests that RLT could be asafe and effective way to manage pain and reduce inflammation for patientsrecovering from hip replacement surgery.Inanotherpeoplestudy,whoresearchersusedlow-levelfoundlaserthattherapy(LLLT) had less pain and swelling in the firstfew months after knee replacement surgery,whichgenerallycomponents.involvesinsertingmetal36They also needed fewer painkillers and wereable to bend their knees better.36This suggeststhat RLT can be a good way to speed upthe healing process after knee replacementsurgery. Most benefits were seen in the firstfew months.A third study looked at how RLT affects the stability of mini-implants used in orthodontics.37Mini-implants, ortemporary anchorage devices, are small titanium (a strong, lightweight metal) screws placed in the jawboneto help braces move teeth more efficiently without putting stress on other teeth.Researchers reviewed studies on two types of RLT: low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and light-emitting diode(LED) therapy.37They found that RLT can enhance mini-implant stability and is safe to use with metal implants.
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