32The Ultimate Guide to Red Light TherapyThe light treatment showed promising results.24It increased the cells‘ energy production, which is crucialfor cell health. More importantly, the light reduced the inflammatory chemicals (cytokines) the cells wereproducing.These findings suggest that RLT might be helpful for gum disease by reducinginflammation and aiding the healing abilities of stem cells in the gums.24RLTseems to work by giving gum cells more energy to fight inflammation. Whilemore research is needed, this opens the door for using RLT as a non-invasiveway to help people with chronic gum inflammation regrow healthy gum tissue.Agroupofresearchersthirdstudyinawantedto see if adding RLTtostandarddiseasetreatmentscouldresults.gumimprove25theyTodothis,reviewedhigh-qualitythat17studiescomparedtraditionalgumAll17studiescombiningPatientswhoseemedtoThe main takeaway is that RLTonly got standard treatment.researchfoundplusRLT.makesomeithardconclusions.25researchersissuestodrawcouldRLTanddisease,thethataffect their findings.gumtreatmentandbiasesgums compared to those whotopatientsfasterpotentialpromisingalonerealreceivedheal25looksHowever,involvedregularAlso, many of the studies hadhave less inflammation in theirtreatmentstudieswiththattreatment improved results.diseaseTheseRLTshowedthatfirmThe studies usedweredifferent types of light therapydesigned to minimizeand treatment plans, makingbias.it difficult to compare results.isfortreatingbutneeded.25moreFuturestudies should use consistentmethodsdesignedandtobeavoidcarefullybias.Thiswill help patients know for sureif RLT is truly effective and howbest to use it.
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