26The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy2.3 RLT for Skin Health2.3.1 Overview of RLT and Skin HealthRed light therapy has been studied for its potential to improve various skin problems. Here‘s abreakdown of its potential benefits:1Wrinkles, scars,and burns:Red light therapy mayhelp reduce wrinklesand improve theappearance of scars,including acne scarsand raised scars. Itmay also aid in burnhealing.Sun damage:Vitiligo:Inflammation:This therapy canIn this condition, theRed light therapyhelp reduce theskin loses pigment.may also be helpfuldamage caused byRed light therapy canfor inflammatoryultraviolet (UV) raysstimulate the growthskin conditions likefrom the sun, whichof pigment-producingpsoriasis and acne.are invisible energycells (melanocytes) tostreams responsiblerestore some color. Itfor sunburn. It mightmay also help preventeven work to protectfurther pigmentyour skin from sunloss by calming thedamage in the firstimmune system‘splace.overreaction, whichcontributes to thecondition.Our skin constantly remodels itself, and special cells called fibroblasts play a key role in thisprocess. These cells produce collagen, a protein that gives skin its plumpness and elasticity.Studies that low-level red light, with a wavelength of around 628 nm (a specific shade in thevisible red spectrum) can affect the activity of over 100 genes in fibroblasts.control various cellular activities, like growth, repair, and energy production.5These genes
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