20The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy2.1.7 RLT and FibromyalgiaOne group of researchers investigated a red and nearinfrared light therapy approach for fibromyalgia (FM),aconditionfatigue.18characterizedbywidespreadpainandThey focused on full-body RLT to address all FMsymptoms rather than targeting isolated areas.Thesmall-scaletrialinvolved21FMpatients,with19completing 18 whole-body RLT sessions over six weeks.ResearchersRevisedusedstandardizedFibromyalgiaImpacttools,includingQuestionnaire18the(FIQR),toassess symptoms and patient experiences.The results were promising. Patients experienced improvements across manyareas, including pain, fatigue, sleep, mood, thinking, and overall well-being.18Notably, these benefits were first noticed at 6 weeks and lasted for at least24 weeks after treatment. This initial study was small, but the results suggestthis light therapy approach may be helpful for FM. More research is needed,but this is a promising non-invasive treatment option that warrants furtherinvestigation.A second well-designed study examined whole-body RLT treatment for fibromyalgia (FM).19The researcherscompared real RLT treatment to a sham treatment (placebo) in 42 participants over 12 sessions. Thosereceiving real RLT saw significant pain relief after just 4 weeks, with benefits lasting at least 2 weeks aftertreatment stopped.Their overall well-being also improved, with positive changes noticeable after only 6sessions.The study looked beyond pain too. RLT treatment helpedparticipants reduce their fear of movement due to pain(kinesiophobia) and increased their belief in their ability tomanage FM 2 weeks after treatment ended.19Overall, this study suggests whole-body RLT could be apromising new way to manage fibromyalgia, targetingbothphysicalpainandsomeemotionalaspects.19However, more research is needed to confirm these findingsand fully understand this potential treatment option.
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