16The Ultimate Guide to Red Light TherapyIn conclusion, this study suggests that LLLT at 830 nm, when combined withpractical advice on movement and posture, could be an effective approachfor managing chronic foot and ankle pain.44 However, as with any medicaltreatment, individuals should consult with healthcare professionals to determineif this therapy is appropriate for their specific situation.Plantar fasciitis is a common condition causing heel pain, affecting nearly a million Americans at any giventime.45It occurs when the plantar fascia, a band of tissue connecting your heel to your toes, becomesinflamed. This inflammation often results in pain, especially during the first steps in the morning or after longperiods of rest.From 2011 to 2013, researchers conducted a study involving69 participants with chronic plantar fasciitis in one foot.45To ensure unbiased results, they used a “double-blind”approach,meaningneithertheparticipantsnortheresearchers knew who was receiving the actual treatmentor a placebo.Participants received either LLLT or a placebo treatmenttwiceaweekforthreeweeks.45Painlevelswereassessed using a scale from 0 (no pain) to 100 (worstpain imaginable). Additionally, ultrasound imaging usingsound waves was used to measure the thickness of theplantar fascia before and after treatment. Participantsalsocompletedasurveyabouthowtheirfootpainaffected daily activities.5.4After eight weeks, the group receiving real LLLT reported a significant reductionin pain levels.4529.6On average, their pain scores dropped by 29.6 points,compared to only 5.4 points in the placebo group. This difference was statisticallysignificant..Whilefurtherresearchisneeded,thisstudysuggeststhatlow-levellasertherapy could be a promising option for those struggling with plantar fasciitisthat hasn’t responded to other treatments.45It offers a potential non-invasivealternative for those who have exhausted traditional methods.
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