50The Ultimate Guide to Red Light TherapyNovaaLab recommends specific treatment times for its different red light therapy devices, asfollows:Novaa Light Pro:5-minute sessions, once or twice a day is recommended.This handheld device is designed for targeted treatmentand should be held about an inch to three inches awayfrom the area you want to treat.Novaa Light Pad:Use this larger device once or twice daily for 5-20 minuteseach session. You might not notice immediate results, butmost people report pain relief and improved movementwithin a few weeks as your body replaces damaged cellswith new, healthy ones. Consistent use over a month canlead to a significant reduction in pain (94.8% success rate).Novaa Extra-Strength Healing Laser:Stick to 5-minute daily sessions for optimal results.All NovaaLab devices have built-in timers for convenience. Remember, consistency is key tomaximizing the benefits of red light therapy. The Light Pad defaults to 20 minutes but can beadjusted. The Light Pro automatically shuts off after 5 minutes.
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